Joe Rich is a Toronto based social worker who has been in private practice for over 35 years. Joe is widely known for his work in the media (television, radio, print) and he is currently the regular guest relationship expert on CTV’s nationally broadcast Marilyn Denis Show. Over the years Joe has developed a unique approach to working with organizations, private groups and workplaces ranging from small and medium-sized firms to a large variety of international Corporations. At the core of his work is his view that when we enhance our interpersonal relationships and encourage “relationship thinking”, the workplace can transform to a more manageable and rewarding experience. Joe defines his work in these settings as “Coming through the relationship door”. Although topics may vary, the overall goal of his work is change; changes within the setting; changes within the self. For some, Joe facilitating the conversation about leadership has started with a partners’ retreat. For others it’s a lunch and learn about balancing work and family life for management, full staff or a specific staff group; ongoing working groups; and in the case of specific events, a keynote address or a conference presentation. Where and how the relationship door opens is of no concern. Being present is. Joe’s activities in the workplace and the media are an adjunct to his therapy practice with individuals, couples and families and his studies as a landscape artist.